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Didi Rugby / Didi Rugby

Didi Rugby


Didi Rugby is group of passionate and dedicated people determined to get children active and teach them key life skills while they are having fun and gaining confidence in a safe environment. Their 40-minute classes run in three age groups from 18 months up to six years of age and they build links with local clubs to encourage Didi kids’ rugby experience to continue when they turn seven. Parents and carers are a big part of what they do and they encourage their involvement during class sessions at the right time. They want Didi kids to be happy and comfortable.

They firmly believe that encouraging children to get active at a young age will not only help them stay healthy but will increase their confidence and self-esteem as well as help interaction and engagement with other children. Didi rugby is a great stepping stone into team sports further down the line because they teach the values of respect, sharing and team spirit.

The business was conceived by former England Women’s Rugby international, Vicky Macqueen, herself a mother of two young children. When she contracted a potentially life-threatening infection in 2013, doctors told her that her strong health and fitness levels saved her. Since then, Didi rugby has been a personal crusade to spread the benefits of health, fitness and activity to as many children and parents as she can.

Didi Rugby website >>>


6 September 2019




culture, residential